Dr. Frank Smith


Dr. Frank Smith graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1966, and is currently celebrating 50 years in private practice. In 1966, Dr. Frank immediately started building his first practice in Penn Hills, PA. He started with a few patients quickly outgrowing the small office located on Frankstown Road.

Over the years he became a local mentor to many younger doctors helping them see the benefits of helping sick people get well through chiropractic care. Dr. Frank was one of the early forefathers for Doctors of Chiropractic in Western Pennsylvania. Dr. Frank helped pave the way for high school, college, and professional athletes get necessary chiropractic care back when the benefits were less well known . He has also helped countless families including infants, kids, parents, and grandparents in their late 90's. His charisma and passion for helping people get well has set the tone for a special family practice that is hard to find anywhere else. Dr. Frank is still actively seeing patients Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Dr. Shannon Smith

dr. shannon smith

In addition to his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer University, Dr. Shannon Smith is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist. His practice focuses on Functional Medicine, specifically with patients that have acute and chronic health issues such as autoimmune disorders, chronic pain and chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, ADD/ADHD, spinal conditions and those on the autism spectrum.   

The most rewarding part of his day to day job: "Being trained as a chiropractor, I've been to taught to find and fix the cause and not just treat the symptoms for a patient's problem. I've embraced that ideology as a Clinical Nutritionist in my Functional Medicine approach to evaluating presenting cases. It's truly my ongoing privilege to see these difficult problems patients have begin to resolve. My most rewarding experience comes every time I see a patient's eyes light up as they see the light at the end of the tunnel when we put them back on the path to health." 

Dr. Shannon and his beautiful wife Barbie just celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary in December.  They both grew up in nearby Murrysville and share the bond of large families - he's one of seven siblings, and she is one of six.  Together they have two wonderful daughters, Madison and Melody.  He enjoys snow skiing, woodworking, and gardening during his time away from the practice, as well as vacationing at any beach. 

Dr. Brian Smith

dr. brian smith

In February of 2006 I was injured in a skiing accident. I broke 3 ribs, damaged soft tissue around the spine and punctured my lung. I had a chest tube inserted to help re-inflate my lung for 7 days. I was unable to treat my patients for 2 weeks. I was treated in my clinic and by other colleagues for ongoing pain. Chiropractic treatment helped me significantly improve. However, I required adjustments 3 times per week just to function in my clinic. I was left with moderate pain that would wake me at 6 a.m. every day. I did not use an alarm clock for over 4 years.

I decided to attend a Graston Technique seminar in early 2010 for selfish reasons to see if someone could help with my chronic pain. During the first day, the doctors teaching the seminar asked if anyone hand an ongoing chronic muscular condition. I could not raise my hand fast enough. I literally begged the doctors to help me.  I literally leaned into the pressure of the Graston instrument feeling the "hurt so good" of breaking up the chronic adhesion that had formed as scar tissue around all of my injured soft tissue. I ran back to my hotel room to tell my wife, Jodi, how good I had felt after Graston. She looked at my back and said, "What did they do to you?". My back was very red and inflamed. However, that was just the soft tissue repairing itself! I had the best night of sleep in years and ironically I almost slept in for the second day of the Graston seminar. I had found my answer. I also knew that I had to find out as much as possible about what the teaching doctors spoke about the "wet suit" of the body, the fascia.

Dr. Erik Bowman

dr. erik bowman

I grew up in Oakmont and graduated from Riverview High School. After graduating from Bethany College in West Virginia with a BS degree in Psychology and Physical Therapy, I continued my education at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Florida. I have been working with Smith Health and Wellness Clinic for over 9 years now where I am able to make and see people smile while seeing their results.

In our practice, I focus on educating patients about the benefits of chiropractic care at any age. While working with families, I am especially interested in working with moms-to-be, infants, children, and young athletes. Treating infants and children is highly rewarding due to the dramatic positive results children experience after an adjustment.  They immediately recognize that the procedure makes them feel better and is reflected in the way they act and their overall mood.

 While the benefits of regular chiropractic care are easily seen in children, the techniques for adults are just as meaningful. Decreased stress, pain relief, and increased energy are all common among our adult patients. At our practice we treat the individual as if they were a part of our family.

When not working I am spending time with my wife, my family, and pet cat Sprinkles. I am an avid sports fan and enjoy my own sports including golf and downhill skiing.